
2019-04-04 15:30体育科学


Complexity of China's Professional Sports Market Governance and Its Countermeasures

  作者:张兵 盐城师范学院体育学院




  Abstract:It is necessary to grasp the current situation of professional sports development in China to comply with the requirement of building sports power in the new era. Taking market governance as the breakthrough point, this paper deeply studies the running state of the professional sports market, and finds that the current professional sports in China show as the complex process about the development, the governance, the globalization, and not only with the market imperfect and excessive market coexistence, but also with the market competition and the identity rights. Therefore, we have the less market governance choice space, and with the increased uncertainty. In order to deal with this situation, we should make clear the market governance logic, concept system and mode selection, return to the development needs of the public, and take the road of professional sports development with Chinese characteristics.

  Keyword:professional sports; market governance; complexity; countermeasure

  Complexity of China's Professional Sports Market Governance and Its Countermeasures


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